Electronic Project Kits
High quality products and resources for education and makers. Kitronik specialize in electronic project kits and developing a considerable amount of micro:bit accessories.
Inspire and Engage
Kitronik aim to inspire and engage people of all abilities to further their knowledge of Electronics, Coding and Design. They create high quality micro:bit accessories, electronic products, and resources for education and makers. Kitronik offer a well designed, well manufactured, innovative product range and free resources and were one of the founding micro:bit partner companies.
View all ▶Inventors Kit
The Kitronik Inventor's Kit for the BBC micro:bit is a great way to get started with programming and hardware interaction with the BBC micro:bit. This Inventor's Kit contains everything you need to complete 10 experiments including using LEDs, motors, LDRs and capacitors.
To get you off to a flying start, we have included an easy to follow tutorial book which guides you through everything you will need to know about programming the BBC micro:bit. You don't need any experience with programming as the tutorial book will guide you every step of the way. You'll be programming and creating circuits in no time!
Shop Now ▶:MOVE mini MK2 buggy kit
The Kitronik :MOVE mini MK 2 buggy kit for the BBC micro:bit is the latest version of our ever popular :MOVE mini that provides a fun introduction to robotics. The :MOVE mini is a 2 wheeled robot that is suitable for autonomous operation, remote control projects via a Bluetooth application or being controlled using a second BBC microbit as a controller via the microbits radio functionality.
The MK2 features a brand new set of Kitronik injection moulded wheels with 0-ring rubber tyres. The wheels maintain the large size, relative to the chassis, and add improved traction for better performance than the original buggies laser cut wheels. MK2 goes where V1.0 could not!
The Kitronik :MOVE mini is powered by two continuous rotation servo motors. The speed of these servo’s can be controlled by simply altering the PWM (Pulse Width Modulation) signal to the servo, which is easy to do using the Servo blocks in the Microsoft PXT Block editor. We have also produced Kitronik custom blocks for the Servo:Lite to make the task of coding as quick and painless as possible, see the resources section at the foot of this page for more information.
The buggy also has 5 x RGB individually addressable ZIP LEDs (NeoPixel compatible), which can be used as indicators, reverse lights etc...
Shop Now ▶:GAME ZIP
The Kitronik :GAME ZIP 64 is the ultimate retro gaming accessory for the BBC microbit. It has been designed to be an all in one hand held gaming platform, which also includes a built in, 64 (8x8) individually addressable full colour ZIP LED, screen.
It features on-board sound, 4 x directional buttons, 2 fire buttons, haptic feedback, and breakout points so shoulder buttons or I2C devices can be added. All of these features are fully programmable. We have also included breakout points to allow for the use of larger LED screens.
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Single Board Computers, Maker & Education
Embedded Computers, Education & Maker Boards
Raspberry Pi
Development Boards, Evaluation Tools
Test & Measurement